GCMCWorkflow tutorial

In this tutorial we will automate running three isotherms of Argon in IRMOF-1 using GCMCWorkflow. To follow this tutorial, you will need to have installed this package succesfully. To check this, try running gcmcworkflow -h from the terminal, you should see the help message for the command line tool we will be using.

Preparing input files

In order to run our GCMC simulations we must provide a single working input for Raspa. This file will be used as a template for all further simulations, with the temperature, pressure and simulation duration settings being customised as necessary. The forcefield setup and MC move descriptions will not be modified however, so these should be checked!

For this tutorial you can use your own Raspa input files, or alternatively by running the following command you can use the tutorial example files:

gcmcworkflow tutorial gen_inputfiles

Preparing the spec file

With the Raspa input ready, we now create the input file for GCMCWorkflow, know as the ‘spec’ file. This file will have all the information on sampling we want to perform, using the Raspa input we just prepared.

A template for this spec file can be generated using the gcmcworkflow genspec command. Thie file should follow yaml formatting rules, edit the spec file to read as follows, these settings will be explained below.

name: IRMOF1_Ar_tutorial
template: ./irmof/
workdir: ./
g_req: 3
max_iterations: 2
use_grid: true
 - pressures: [10k, 20k, 40k]
   temperatures: [78.0, 98.0]
 - pressures: [50k, 0.1M]
   temperatures: [118.0]
Explaining the spec file lines:
  • name – this is a unique identifier for this Workflow. It must be unique on the LaunchPad and will be used to refer to this Workflow in the future
  • template – path to the simulation input we want to use. This directory will be slurped into the Workflow.
  • workdir – path to where we want to run the simulations. This path must be accessible on the workstation you want to execute the workflow, ie it might be a path on your HPC cluster.
  • g_req – this is the desired simulation length, expressed as a multiple of the number of statistical decorrelations after equilibration to run for. Larger values will take longer, but be more statistically reliable answers, 3-5 seems to work ok.
  • max_iterations – simulations will be restarted to gather enough data as defined above, this setting allows a maximum to the number of times a point is restarted.
  • use_grid – Raspa allows for energy grids to be used to accelerate the GCMC sampling. This is often a good idea, except for very short simulations.
  • conditions – starts a list of the system conditions we want to sample. Each entry must give temperatures and pressures. In this example we will run pressures of 10, 20, and 40 kPa for temperatures 78.0 and 98.0 K, then 50,000 and 100,000 kPa at a temperature of 118.0 K.

Submitting work to LaunchPad

Now we’ve defined our input and desired sampling we need to submit this information to our LaunchPad. Most of the time (unless you are locally running a MongoDB server) you will have a file called my_launchpad.yaml which holds the details to connect to the Fireworks LaunchPad.

Before submitting work to the LaunchPad it is a good idea to check the connection. This can be done using lpad report, which will return a quick description of the status of the LaunchPad. If this step does not work, consult the Setting up a Launchpad instructions.

To submit the workflow to the LaunchPad we call:

gcmcworkflow submit spec.yml -l my_launchpad.yaml

This reads the spec file we just created, translates this into a Fireworks Workflow, and submits this to the Fireworks LaunchPad. We can inspect the Workflow using Fireworks commands, such as the web gui (lpad webgui).

Inspecting the Workflow

By checking the webgui of the Workflow, we see a diagram of our Workflow like this:

At the start of the Workflow we can see that that there are two tasks that must be completed first, before we proceed to sampling different temperatures and pressures. These are copying the simulation template onto the worker filesystem and creating the energy grid. Fireworks has allowed to express dependencies between these, so that the sampling simulations only run once the energy grid has been produced!

Running our Workflow

The Workflow can now be executed! This is done using the rlaunch commands from Fireworks. For example to run the tasks within the Workflow in parallel on 4 cores, you could use:

rlaunch multi 4

Remember that for this to work a connection to the LaunchPad is required, ie there should be a launchpad.yaml file in the directory you run from.

It is worth remembering that the Workflow can be ran on a different workstation than the one which submitted the Workflow. This allows you to define Workflow from your local workstation, then issue jobs on a HPC cluster to pull these jobs annd push results back, then finally download the results back to your local workstation.

Checking our results